A Tragic Spring: 3 Food Allergy-Related Deaths
A Thank you to one of our members, Allison Inserro, on working with journalist for a followup article on life-threatening dairy allergies.
Serious milk allergies are a lot for kids to deal with, NJ mom says.
About Us 
FASGMC is a support group made up of parents of children with food allergies. Anyone can join, though most of our members live in or near Monmouth County, N.J. We are designated a FEAST (Food Education Allergy Support Teams) group by the Food Allergy Research and Education organization (FARE) and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
The Support Group meets approximately 4 times a year. Past meeting topics have included How to Survive the Holidays, Childhood Asthma, What Schools are Doing, Coping with Food Allergies, Cake Decorating and Back to School with Food Allergies. Past speakers have included an allergy and asthma physician, child psychologist, a pediatric nutritionist, an ER pediatrician and a paramedic.
Our medical advisor is Dr. Tina Zecca, Allergy Asthma Associates of Monmouth County, Little Silver, N.J. phone: 732-741-8222
We also have an e-mail list.
Children must have a medical diagnosis and be under a physician's care.
Information on this site is not endorsed by FASGMC, FARE, Dr. Zecca, or The Allergy & Asthma Foundation of America. The site is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for responsible professional care to diagnose and treat specific symptoms and illness. Any reference to available products and procedures should not be construed as an endorsement nor are such references a representation as to the effectiveness or appropriateness of any such product or procedure. Any links to outside Web sites should not be construed as an endorsement.
Privacy Policy
All information collected is for mailing and phone support purposes only. Our list will be kept confidential and will not be given out without your consent. On occasion, we share information with other area non-profit group whose focus is relevant to food allergies. We give only the names, addresses, and e-mails of only those members who have given us permission.