Winter/Spring 2008 Newsletter
FAAN Walk for Food Allergy: Moving Toward A Cure
Coming this fall to Monmouth County !!
The Monmouth County Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) Walk for Food Allergy: Moving Toward A Cure will be held Sept. 7 in Long Branch on a beautiful site along an approximate 3-mile route able to accommodate strollers. There will be post-walk family fun celebrations and activities for all registered walkers and volunteers.
The FAAN Walk for Food Allergy events, which have been held across the country since 2003, raise funds to support FAAN's efforts in food allergy public awareness, advocacy, education, and research. This will be the first walk held in Monmouth County .
The co-chairs for this event, Veronica Scanlon and Jo Ann Molnar held the kick off planning meeting on Jan. 17 to recruit committee volunteers. There are four committees: Sponsorship, Logistics, Publicity and Recruitment, each with its own chair position available. Chair positions are greatly supported by the Long Branch co-chairs and FAAN staff. FAAN facilitates phone conferencing for Walk committees (e.g., Logistics, Sponsorship). FAAN staff also participates in these calls to help the committees determine best practices. An overview of the committee tasks is outlined below.
Sponsorship Committee
- Secure sponsors at all sponsorship levels
- Return sponsorship commitment forms to FAAN Regional Manager/Coordinator
- Send thank you letters to sponsors
Logistics Committee
- Solicit in-kind donations for food and drink
- Solicit entertainment for Walk Day
- Organize first aid, transportation, storage, setup, security, and cleanup
- Secure Walk Day volunteers
- Oversee Walk Day activities
- Send thank you letters to all donors, volunteers, and sponsors involved in event logistics
Publicity Committee
- Develop human-interest stories
- Distribute public service announcements
- Seek radio, TV, print, and online ads
- Put the FAAN Walk for Food Allergy on community calendars
- Distribute press releases on schedule
- Work with teams to publicize the event within their group, company, or organization
- Distribute posters and point-of-purchase brochures
Recruitment Committee
- Recruit youth, family, and corporate teams
- Recruit Team Captains and individual walkers
- Plan the Kickoff Event
- Invite teams to the Kickoff Event
- Encourage fundraising efforts
- Send thank you letters to all teams and Team Captains
- Invite Team Captains to the Awards Event (optional)
If you are interested in volunteering to become a chair or committee member contact either of the Long Branch Walk co-chairs: Veronica or Jo Ann.
Physician Nutritionist Speaks at Meeting
Dr. Fried answered many varied questions from the group relating to nutrition, allergies and digestion. His advice included moderation is the key to all dietary habits; milk is not a necessary component to a healthy diet, nutrients in milk can be gotten from a variety of other foods; and one of the best ways to determine if a child is getting adequate nutrition is if he/she is gaining the proper amount weight. For more information about Dr. Fried, view his Web site at .
The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Coalition of NJ has reported that Governor Corzine signed S2905 / A4617 into law on January 3, 2008.
This law clarifies a provision of P.L. 2007, c. 57, concerning the emergency administration of epinephrine to students for anaphylaxis.
P.L. 2007, c. 57, provides that a certified school nurse in consultation with the board of education or the chief school administrator of the nonpublic school must recruit and train volunteer designees to administer epinephrine for anaphylaxis when the school nurse is not physically present. However, nonpublic schools are not required by law to employ certified school nurses. Therefore, S2905 /A4617 provides that in the case of a nonpublic school, it would be the school nurse, in consultation with the chief school administrator of the school, who would be required to recruit and train the volunteer designees.
The full text of the legislation can be read at the N.J. Legislature's Web site
Halloween Party a Success
This letter appeared in the December 22, 2007 edition of the "Asbury Park Press."
Ellen Montemarano
Food Allergy Support Group of Monmouth County